Set User Name

Set User Name #


How to set the user name for a user #

Set the user name for the user. This function is used to set a user name for a user, and only works if the application supports user names.

An application can test whether a user name is available using the function userNameAvailable.

The userName is the user name that is being set

This function will fail if the application does not support user names and return a 606.



Method #


Headers #

    access-token: "<Access Token>"

Data Parameter #

        userName: "user name"

Response: #

Success: #

StatusCode: #
200 (OK)
Contents: #

Error: #

StatusCode: #
    400 (BAD REQUEST)
Content: #
        code: "<internal error code>",
        message: "<readable error description>"

The internal codes are integers:

  • 401 - app no longer exists
  • 402 - app is suspended
  • 403 - missing parameter
  • 404 - user account is suspended
  • 405 - invalid access token
  • 413 - app is migrated
  • 500 - internal server error
  • 601 - user already registered
  • 602 - invalid data
  • 606 - app does not support user names