Users #
You stand out in the crowd only because you have these many, many carrying you on their shoulders. – Desmond Tutu
Users Tab #
The USERS tab in the AppKey Portal is a central tool for administering your users within a AppKey application. It provides a range of functionalities, including the ability to:
- See all users
- See all anonymous users
- Search for a user
- Signup a user
- Login a user
- Verify the passkey of a user
- Delete a user
- Lock a user out
- View all user invitations
- View all user signups
The Users tab displays a row of information for each application user. This row includes
- User handle (email or phone)
- Display name
- User name
- Status
- Last login
- User creation date
- Delete button
The user handle, which can be an email or phone number, uniquely identifies the user externally. During onboarding, the handle must be verified for ownership by sending a six-digit code that the user retrieves for security purposes.
The display name is a name the user selects to identify themselves within the application. This name doesn’t need to be unique—multiple users with the same display name, like “Richard,” can exist in the same application. Users can update their display name anytime via the REST API.
If the application supports usernames, they will be shown in the user table. A username must be unique for each user and can also be used to log in, replacing the handle (email or phone).
The status field shows the user’s current state: ‘pending,’ ‘active,’ ‘suspended,’ or ’noauth.’ Suspended users cannot log in. The ’noauth’ status bypasses the passkey authentication system entirely and simply logs the user in. While this introduces significant security risks, it can be useful during software development, particularly when using simulators that lack biometric identification or Bluetooth capabilities. The ’noauth’ option should only be used in a test or development environment and disabled afterward.
The “Last Login” column records the date and time of the user’s most recent login, while the “Created At” column specifies when the user was first onboarded into the application.
Lastly, the delete icon permanently removes a user from the application. This action is irreversible.
The User sub-tab presents three icons that allow developers to sign up, login, and validate users within their application.
- The first icon enables developers to sign up a user to the application.
- The second icon enables developers to login a user to the application.
- The last icon enables developers to validate the passkey credentials of a user to the application.
These three buttons are incredibly useful for quickly adding users to an application without needing to run it on a device.
NOTE: These buttons only show up if the application has not set the Relying Party Id, i.e. the application uses the default https::/ URL as its relying party Id.
Signup Tab #
The Signup tab displays a row of information for each application user signup. This row includes
- User handle (email or phone)
- Status (‘pending’ or ‘active’)
- Signup creation date
- Delete button
Invite Tab #
If the application onboarding option is set to “INVITE” instead of “OPEN,” the Signup tab in the User tab is replaced by the Invite tab. In this case, user handles must be explicitly invited by the application developer through the portal or REST API before they can sign up for the application. This functionality is similar to Apple’s TestFlight app. Invites are useful during beta testing to limit users to a specific group or for applications that do not want to support open enrollment.