Settings #
We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works. – Douglas Adams
The Settings tab presents the high level settings for the application.
This tab includes:
- App Id
- App Name
- Reset App Database
- Export App Database
- App Status
- Delete
The App Id is a unique global identifier - of the form application-name-XXXXX, where XXXXX is designed to make the id unique - that is assigned to the application at creation. The App Id can never be changed, although the App Name can be.
The App Name is a human readable name that describes the application - it is usually recommended to give it the same name as the associated Cloud Application.
The Reset App Database function will clear all the authenticated users from the AppKey application and reset it to its original state. Only do this function if you want to reset the database. It cannot be undone!
The Export App Database function will export all of the users in the authentication database to a collection of CSV files. This is used to migrate users to another AppKey app, or to another authentication system altogether. The Export function will create a compressed zip file in your downloads file that contains a directory of CSV files sufficient to import the app into another app. It is typically used to migrate an app from AppKey to a self-hosted AppKey server.
The App Status is either active, or inactive. Only applications with an active status can authenticate users on behalf of a cloud application. The developer can choose to set an active application to inactive to temporarily suspend an application.
The Delete App functionality is used to delete the application from AppKey. This operation cannot be undone!